Sunday, November 11, 2012

Life Cycle of Glass Flow Chart

Day Seven

Once I was all melted I didn't think What happened was ever going to happen. I was carried into this large room with machines all around me and I looked around and saw bottles! Just like I once was. They were all shaped perfectly. I reached this machine that I entered and I was a little nervous. The machine was big and it hurt me because it kept pushing me. When I came out I realized that I was back to my normal self again! I was finally back in the shape of a bottle! I felt brand new and I was ready for whatever obstacle was in my way! Nothing could stop me from helping others now!

Day One

Here I am sitting in the pantry next in line to be used by my owner. I have been waiting for this day ever sense I can remember. I used to sit in the factory dreaming about how I would be used and how helpful I could be to my future owner. Now here I am next in line just about to live my dream! I'm so excited. Wait, what was that the door just opened! My owner is looking around for something. Oh my god! they picked me! I'm so delighted that I'm being used right now! This is just possibly the greatest feeling in the world!

Day Two

I really can not believe that I was finally put to use! That was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in my life so far. I am a little confused though because after my job was done they carried me outside and put me into this large dark bin with all of these other used materials. I really don't like the dark and I don't know what is happening but I suppose it's normal so I'm not going to overreact about it.

Day Three

So a day or two after sitting in that dark bin I finally get to see the light! You think it would be a good thing but it really wasn't. Randomly the bin was tilted and moved to god knows where, it scared me because I was not so sure on what was happening. then later on a big loud thing was next to the bin and we were lifted up and dumped out into more glass bottles just like me! They all looked different but we were all made from the same material. Weird right? Anyway this loud machine moved us from were they picked me up to this huge building with even more big and loud machines. The machine I was in dumped us off into a big pile of things, it was really odd.

Day Four and Day Five

The very next morning we were moved again but this time these other human beings put me and the other glass bottles together and we were added with other glass bottles. It was like a family reunion! There were so many of us and it was so exciting! But the next part was really bad! They put us on this thing that moved us slowly up to this dirty and strong machine. We entered through they door and everyone started to scream! we were about to be crushed by this big metal plate and all underneath us were glass pieces. We finally made our way up to the metal plate and we were crushed. it hurt so bad! I began to cry and scream. It definitely was not fun! Nobody ever told me about it!

Day Six

I was really sore after being crushed to pieces and I figured things couldn't get much worse. I was all crumbled up into pieces in this huge pile of other pieces of glass bottle and this big machine picked us up. We were moved once more to this other building that was really hot. We pulled up to this tunnel looking thing with fire at the bottom and I began to get scared again. Then all of the sudden the machine dropped us and I just screamed and thought that this was the end of my life and that I was a failure so they decided to get rid of me because I couldn't help nobody. The fire burned extremely bad. Not only was I sore but now I was being punished by burning and melting. I didn't sign up for this.